Formfeed (ASCII character code 12)Vertical Tab (ASCII character code 11)Vertical Tab (ASCII character code 11)
Last line of the page.c
The code ESCc is the Printer Reset (aRIS) command. This resets the printer to
normal power up conditions. These conditions include:
Left margin (column) 1
Right margin (column) 136
Page length (lines) 66
Pitch Pica
Spacing (lines/inch) 6
Print quality Draft
The ESCD code is the Linefeed (aIND) command. DThis will cause the line to split.
The Return Linefeed (aNEL) command hasEthe code ESCE
The code ESC[3m is the Italic On (aSGR3) command. The Italics Off (aSGR23) command has a code ESC[23m
The code ESC[4m is the Underline On (aSGR4) command. The Underline Off (aSGR24) command has a code ESC[24m
The code ESC[1m is the Boldface On (aSGR1) command. The Boldface Off (aSGR22) command has a code ESC[22m
The code ESC[4"z is the "zDoublestrike On (aDEN4) command. The Doublestrike Off (aDEN3) "zcommand has a code ESC[3"z
The print modes Italics, Underline, Boldface and "zDoublestrike can all be turned off with the code ESC[0m which is the Normal Character Set (aSGR0) command.
The code ESC[2w is the wElite On (aSHORP2) command. The Elite Off (aSHORP1) wcommand has a code ESC[1w (the Elite Off command can be used as the Pica On command).
The code ESC[4w is the wCondensed (Fine) On (aSHORP4) command. The Condensed Off (aSHORP3) wcommand has a code ESC[3w (the Condensed Off command can be used as the Pica On command).
The code ESC[6w is the wEnlarged On (aSHORP6) command. The Enlarged Off (aSHORP5) wcommand has a code ESC[5w
The print modes wElite and/or wCompressed and wEnlarged can all be turned off with the codew ESC[0w which is the Normal Pitch (aSHORP0) command.
FormFeed (ASCII char code 12)
The code ESC[2v is the vSuperscript On (aSUS2) command. The Superscript Off (aSUS1) vcommand has a code ESC[1v
The code ESC[4v is the vSubscript On (aSUS4) command. The Subscript Off (aSUS3) vcommand has a code ESC[3v
The code ESCL is the LPartial Line Up (aPLU) command. The Partial Line Down (aPLD) Kcommand which has the code ESCK returns PLU to normal.
The code ESCK is the KPartial Line Down (aPLD) command. The Partial Line Up (aPLU) Lcommand which has the code ESCL returns PLD to normal.
The print modes vSuperscriptv or vSubscript v or LPartial Line Up K or KPartial Line Down L can all be turned off with the code ESC[0v which is the Normalize (aSUS0) command.
There are 8 International character sets available on the Gemini_10X printer.
The default set is the USA character set.
The code ESC(B turns on the USA (aFNT0) char set which prints (B #@[\]^`{|}~
The code ESC(R turns on the French (aFNT1) char set which prints (R #@[\]^`{|}~
The code ESC(K turns on the German (aFNT2) char set which prints (K #@[\]^`{|}~
The code ESC(A turns on the UK (aFNT3) char set which prints (A #@[\]^`{|}~
The code ESC(E turns on the Danish I (aFNT4) char set which prints (E #@[\]^`{|}~
The code ESC(H turns on the Sweden (aFNT5) char set which prints (H #@[\]^`{|}~
The code ESC(Y turns on the Italian (aFNT6) char set which prints (Y #@[\]^`{|}~
The code ESC(Z turns on the Spanish (aFNT7) char set which prints (Z #@[\]^`{|}~
"xTo get back to the normal character issue the USA set ESC(B code. Due to a
bug in the Amiga Printer routines the ESC(B code is not recognized as a special
code. To get around this bug the Gemini_10X printer driver has implemented one
of the unused Extended Commands, command 0 (aEXTEND0), to replace the aFNT0
command. The code for aEXTEND0 is ESC[0"x
FormFeed (ASCII char code 12)
zThe code ESC[0z is the 1/8" Line Spacing (aVERP0) command.
The 1/8" line spacing is changed by issuing the code ESC[1z
which is the 1/6" Line Spacing (aVERP1) command.z
The code ESC[nt is the Form Length (aSLPP) command. The "n" is replaced by the
length of the form(page) in lines. For example the command code ESC[12t would
set the form length at 12 lines.
The code ESC[nq is the Skip Perferation On (aPERF) command. The "n" is
replaced by the number of lines before the perferation to skip. For example
the command code ESC[6q would cause the printer to do a formfeed to the top of
the next page when only 6 lines are left on a form.
The code ESC[0q is the Skip Perferation Off (aPERF0) command.
tESC[6t sets the form length at 6 lines.
qESC[3q sets the skip over perferation at 3 lines.
Line 3
Line 4 or Line 1 of new page after skipping 3 lines.
Line 5
Line 6
Line 7 or Line 1 of new page after skipping 3 lines.